
Child and Youth Mental Health Workshops

Sheryl provides virtual and in-person workshops and presentations to students (elementary to postsecondary), parents/caregivers, school staff, corporate workplaces, and trade unions in a variety of educational, workplace, and community settings. Workshops and presentations can be tailored to your needs.

Woman Reading from Tablet

Popular Workshops

Popular workshops include

School-Wide Strategies to Support Student Mental Wellness

School-Wide Strategies to Support Students with School Phobia, Avoidance, and Chronic Absenteeism

Creating a Personal Wellness Action Plan

Building Sources of Support, Strength, and Resilience


Student and Youth Workshops and Presentations

boy in green sweater writing on white paper

One in 5 young people (up to the age of 30) in Canada has a mental health challenge or disability. This means that at any given time, almost 20% of young people in young people in the ‘average’ classroom, workplace, or community event will be dealing with some type of mental health issue. This makes it difficult for them to learn, grow, and realize their potential.

Sheryl provides virtual and in-person workshops and presentations to students from elementary to postsecondary and families.